
A Guide or Immortal Design: Dr Martens
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LUCY BROOME: You’re from Sheffield, so the obvious question to ask is: are you a Blades or Owls fan?

DARREN MCKOY: I’m a Wednesday fan, an Owl through and through.

LB: Your initial interest in footwear design came from football shoes. Back in the day, would you have considered yourself a football casual?

DM: I didn’t ever consider myself a football casual, but I love the aesthetic. I appreciate it, especially coming from the North of England; it’s an important thing. I was into tracksuits, and I’d wear little Adidas and Nike tracksuits, football kits, and that kind of stuff. That was more me, but I do appreciate football casual wear. Part of it is also looking to one of the brands I used to work for many years ago, Adidas Originals. So, it’s a big part of my history.